Assisting consumers in meeting their fiscal responsibilities and reaching their financial goals through ethical education, credit, housing counseling and homebuyer programs. If you are a New York State Resident, the toll free number to contact the New York State Department of Financial Services is: 1-800-342-3736.

Student Loan Help

SafeGuard is a non-profit counseling company that can help you with your Federal Student Loans. Our certified counselors will work with you to find strategies to help you pay off your student loan debt faster. We do a thorough analysis of your budget to discover a plan that will benefit you.


Do you want to find a way to pay down your student loan debt faster? Do you want to find out what options are out there that might benefit you? Click below and fill in your information, we will contact you promptly for an in depth analysis.

    This is a paid service, not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education.  Services may be filed for at no cost through the U.S. Department of Education.

    SafeGuard Credit
    Counseling Services, Inc