Checking your credit score before you apply for a major loan is a must if you want to find out where you stand in terms of credit risk. Yet checking your credit report also proves worthwhile before you put in an application. Put simply, “The credit report is the raw data. A credit score is [&h...
“Produce the Note” in Foreclosure States
In some states, a lender can foreclose on your home without going to court. These are called non-judicial foreclosure states. You can still use the “Produce the Note” strategy in these states, but it takes a few more steps on your part. First, the concept behind “Produce the Note” is thi...
The Importance of an Emergency Fund
There’s a general rule of thumb when establishing an emergency savings fund: the size of your fund should be equal to at least three months’ worth of your living expenses. Take note that it’s three months’ expenses, not three months of your pay. If it’s possible for you to ...
Talk About Money Before You Marry
In the quest to find Mr. or Ms. Right, finding out if the object of your affection is a saver or a spender may seem rather cold and calculated. But money, and the way it is handled, has a significant effect on relationships and talking about it before the nuptials can make a difference in […]...
7 Tips for Finding a Job After 50
Advice from career coaches and hiring managers If you suddenly find yourself back in the job market after age 50, you might need to dust off your résumé and spruce it up for today’s changing job market. Here are seven strategies older workers can use to get their résumé to the top of the s...
While the proposed $15,000 home-buyer tax credit died in negotiations between the House and the Senate, the $787 billion stimulus bill that President Barack Obama signed into law Tuesday includes a similar–albeit smaller–measure designed to help revive the real estate market. Here are si...
10 Ways to Cut Your Fuel Costs
With crude oil futures threatening to hit $90 a barrel, gas prices jumped again this week, to a national average of $2.78 a gallon for regular unleaded, according to AAA. So, fuel economy is paramount. Here are tactics to help you get the most miles per gallon from your vehicle this winter and save ...
If you take a little taste of the holidays now, you could be way ahead of the game come Dec. 1. “The less time you have at the holidays, the more likely you are to spend more, just to get things out of the way,” says Gerri Detweiler, author of “The Ultimate Credit Handbook.”...